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2011年4月7日起劉思愛博士於油塘宣導會舉行 “我靈深處藝術治療工作坊’

劉思愛博士於2011年3月26日於 “聯合國第4屆『世界關顧自閉日』 發表文章 “藝術治療與自閉症”

2011 2 Downtown Eastside Staff Training Vancouver, Canada

Staff respond:
I enjoyed getting the theoretical background. I would have liked to do more games/exercises to break-up the sitting, It will be good to continue the learning and set up more programs for the parents and kids.
Gaye Ferguson

We love you very much Dr. Art. The best workshop I ever have. A lot of fun, a lot of energies and a lot of loves. I wishes, we will have class again.

The cultural prespective was very useful. Disscussion after lots of info would be more helpful. Anna Ma

Enjoyed the practical part very much
I hope there would be more pictures
The sharing/ case study helped with understanding
Enjoyed the laughter and ease atmosphere very much

It is an interesting course with lots of interaction between the facilitator and participants. During the sessions, we have lot of discussion and sharing. There are some hand-on experiences which made learning effective and create lively atmoshphere. I wish to learn more about art therapy.

Good ! lots of information. Fun, thought arts and games got ways to work with children. Helped us to look at things and people different than before. More training.

The car painting and clay modeling were fun. More practical activities will make the workshop more fun and memorable. Ivy Ho

We love you very much! The best workshop I ever have. A lot of fun, a lot of energies and a lot of loves. I wish, we will have class again.

Thank you for sharing your expertise with us. I enjoy the right/left brain learning. I hope to learn more about assessment, so I can identify dysfuntion behavior and make referral as needed. Juliana Han

Dr. Art劉思愛博士成功獲取2011李嘉誠 “香港仁愛香港” 基金。基金用途 計劃名稱

《開心笑》(暫名)精神及思覺失調自助輔導光碟 -導師:藝術治療Arts Therapy劉思愛博士



  • 什么是情緒低落?情緒病?思覺失調?
  • 你傻?還是我傻?什么是精神病?
  • 分辨現實與妄想
  • 社會如何看情緒低落?情緒病?
  • 怎樣走出困局?
  • 保持良好精神健康貼士?
  1. 光碟兼具繁體和簡體字幕;
  2. 繁簡體版本,各60分鐘。

** 光碟開始,鳴謝李嘉誠慈善基金之香港仁愛香港捐助。

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